As they say, the devil is in the details. Well, in a world of upscale bags, it is sometimes where you can find models. And what are the details that brings me back to Gucci Crest Boulevard fabric tote bag, again and again. We've all seen a lot of Ho-hum (and some a little more ho-hum) canvas tote this brand over the years, in addition to their signature horsebit detail, it is probably one of the things they are best known. But none was as precise and elegant as this beauty here.
It is possible that the exclusion of the Gucci on this tote makes it look so clean and sophisticated, but I think it's more than that. The thick leather trim and handles give the bag a weight and structure canvas tote and it gives little more focused and more expensive than other bags in this range. The only thing I can come back, but the price - even one of the finest paintings tote I have ever seen is still worth close to two large. For that kind of money, I need leather. Shop by Neiman Marcus for $'s 1990th
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