I wish with every fiber of my being that most online stores stocked luxury bags vintage. There is something that I find so compelling about the harvest - much of it, especially for products made by luxury homes, has the feeling of exclusivity true that even the most high-end bags are lost today.
Most of us know that almost everything we buy are manufactured in factories, not a talented craftsman who cares about his work and that makes luxury goods a bit less fun. With vintage, we can at least claim it was created by a guy named Francis in a picturesque garage, diligently sewing bags while wearing a beret and smoking a rolled cigarette in his hand. Or at least that's what happens in my head. Maybe that Francis had a hand in the beautiful vintage Chanel bag Speedy? I bet no one can convince me that it was not - it's vintage, after all.
This is not the average vintage Chanel bag - a classic flip is pretty easy to find in vintage shops high end and if you have nerves of steel, on eBay, but the styles that were just made for a short period and is the state "iconic" flap of the bag is what really intrigues me. I especially like the large metal parts at the ends, and that this bag is used, in particular woven leather masks to mimic the trademark of the brand - the details go a long vintage piece. I do not know if I would pay the premium, but if you like Chanel bag that will probably never see anyone else, for something like this is right up your alley. Buy through Shopbop and $ 4,180.
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